Crisp, clear, and concise reports can do wonders for your customer relations. After all, what is more pleasing to a customer than receiving the information they commissioned in a manner that is easy to understand and action? Designed as a means to boost your writing skills, the Octus course on Proposal and Report Writing develops written communication skills with a special focus on highlighting information and data while maintaining accurate grammar and syntax. The course will be immensely beneficial for producing reports for both internal and external stakeholders.
Learning Outcomes:
- Develop an intuition as to the reader’s requirements and tailor reports and proposals accordingly.
- Learn how to frame reports for maximum impact
- Learn how to plan the presentation of information for greatest impact and insight into the analysis conducted
- Understand the various international standards and conventions used in report writing
- Hone writing style to ensure clarity and impact while reducing redundancy and dependence on jargon
- Learn to critically edit and evaluate written reports of others